Making a complaint

If you feel something has gone wrong, please get in touch so we can help to put it right. Email or call us on 0345 90 80 171. You can also post your complaint to our office.

The Complaints Manager
Rothwell & Towler Ltd
Tourism House
Woodwater Park
Pynes Hill

To help us review your complaint promptly, please provide as much detail as you can. It’s really useful to include key information like your name, address and policy number as well as the date and time of any relevant telephone interactions.

What happens next?

We will aim to review your complaint within five working days. If we agree that you have a legitimate grievance, we will let you know how we are going to remedy the situation as soon as possible. Occasionally we may ask for more time to investigate further.

If you are still unhappy once our investigation is complete, you can escalate your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS), who can offer free and impartial advice if they agree that your complaint is valid.

The Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
E14 9SR
0800 0234 567
0300 1239 123

Seeking advice from the Financial Ombudsman Service will not jeopardise your right to take legal action in the future.